Case: AB Volvo

Astek has participated in a project on Special Vehicles Development at AB Volvo. Here we work with special vehicles and cases where customers have specific wishes.

Electrical & components

In the project, Astek has been responsible for electricity. The Conmorites on the assignment have been able to take part in the requirements and wishes that the customer wants and have tried to find solutions to these. They have worked with relocation of existing components but also packing of new ones.

Cable design

The employees have designed cabling and found routing routes for these. In cases where it has been difficult to get a good routing path, they have had to design consoles and also ensured that it is possible to mount.

Prototypes & documentation

Some areas have been a bit tricky and then they have also spent some time in the workshop for prototype construction. Since then, there has also been a lot of documentation for what they have done as well, such as assembly instructions, drawings and CAD modules.

Results and delivery

This is what our employees say about the project

One of the things our employees appreciated most in this project is the project’s variety and the opportunity to work with both drawings and practical implementation. The combination of working with CAD to ensure the best possible function in the workshop in the next moment has provided a fantastic insight into the development process. We have also had a lot of contact with different departments, which has given an overall picture of the project. A fun and exciting project in other words!

  • CAD tool:
    PTC Creo and CatiaV5
  • PDM system:
  • Drawing tool:
    PTC Creo and Saber

Project content:

  • Packing of new components
  • Mechanical construction
  • Sheet design
  • Cabling and routing
  • Prototype development and testing
  • Production of drawings
  • Documentation

Do you want to know more?
Talk to us!

Do you need to strengthen your team with technical expertise in product development, software or electronics? Do not hesitate to talk to us – we have the knowledge and experience you need. When you need it.

Joakim Häggqvist
Business Manager

E-post: [email protected]
Phone: 0704 94 58 88

Our service areas

Astek offers expertise in most aspects of product development, electronics and software. Click on to find out more about our different service areas!

Product development

Electronics development

Software development