Our sustainability and quality assurance
Sustainability is one of the great issues of our time. We want to take our responsibility and be a post force in the transition to a more sustainable society. Here you can read more about our environmental policy and take part in our quality work.

Sustainability policy
This is how we think:
We work continuously with a clear focus on the environment and sustainability. The goal is for Astek to be part of a lasting development towards an ecologically sustainable society, protect the environment and prevent pollution. We encourage all our consultants to constantly work to improve the entire company in the environmental area, from purchasing to waste management and business travel.
Our environmental management system forms the basis for our environmental work. That laws and other requirements are followed and often exceeded is an important part of that work. We will also follow developments so that new technology can be used to, for example, minimize emissions from our transports. As we are a consulting company, we must not only link our environmental work to our offices but also try to influence our clients to work for a sustainable society.
Quality assurance
We and our consultants strive for:
- To have full knowledge of our customers & employees’ requirements and expectations, and meet these needs better than our competitors.
- That our customers and employees always feel fully confident in us.
- That each assignment should be a recommendation for future business.
- All activities must therefore follow established guidelines. Routines and the efficiency of the system must be followed up.
- The quality work is guided towards zero errors through constant striving for annual improvements, which must be formulated, made known and followed up.